Sunday, August 9, 2009

This Land is Your Land

So, this weekend I went to Tunica, MS for a Counting Crows concert. I'm a big fan, so I jumped at the opportunity to see them live. It was a wonderful show. I don't have any pics of the show because I've been having some technological hi-cups, but I'm all better now. Long December was my class song in high school so it was cool to hear them sing it in person. My favorite part of the evening was the very end. It was as if Adam Duritz knew I was going to be there because he closed with a big push to get people to register to vote and encouraged them to get to the polls. Most everyone at the concert was my age-ish. So then the finale was This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. I am one of the most patriotic people you'll ever meet and this was sooooo cool! He sang all the verses and chorus. Most people, myself included, had never heard the verses. We all sang the chorus together. Ahhh I am proud to be an American.

Now, the Tunica part. I'd never been to Tunica before and for those of you that don't know, Tunica, MS is a casino or rather a cluster of casinos a few miles south of Memphis. You have to drive through a southern ghetto of sorts to get there from Memphis. I was raised in a very conservative Southern Baptist home and church. Tunica is like a dirty word. Now, I have a masters degree in business. I know my chances at gambling. They aren't good. So, I didn't gamble. I watched a couple of my girl friends play the slot machines and they lost. Quickly. Did not interest me in the least.

I wished I'd enjoyed the tourist spot more, but it was a disappointment. Our hotel was pretty nice and new. Two things that really stuck out to me from my experience were smoke and gluttony. Smoking was allowed indoors there. I do not have a problem with people smoking. Not at all. But being around smoke is not enjoyable for me because I do not smoke. It smells and makes it difficult to breathe. But like I told my friend Amanda, if you're a smoker this is the place to be.

I think almost every place to eat there is a buffet. Lots of waste. I got like 7 desserts and just "tried" each one. I felt guilty for wasting food. :(

Don't think I'll go back to Tunica, but I did enjoy the concert. Here are some pictures of my breakfast this morning at Paul Deen's breakfast... you guessed it... buffet.

1 comment:

Mrs. Hughes said...

I've not been to Tunica before, but I think I'll live through you and say I've been. :) Glad you enjoyed the concert!!!!!