Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside

I'm wrapped up on the couch. It's really cold today. I don't think it even hit 50 degrees. Luckily I'm at home. I'm going to see Carrie Underwood tonight at the Convo. My first real event post-toe surgery. I'm a little nervous. I keep having these cringing moments of fear that someone may step on my toe.

Grandma came by today to visit. She stayed for about an hour.

Amanda called earlier. She was upset about Circle of Friends. That organization is very unorganized and neither of us really care to stay involved after Christmas. The president isn't organized and we have our meetings that the 501, so noone is really focused on the important stuff.

I scrapbooked a little today -- did my graduation page. I will hopefully work on it more this week.

Hannah and I are hosting a Halloween party Friday night too. So I'll be getting the house ready for that.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Cooler weather is here!  It's that wonderful time of year again -- Autumn  :)

I'm cozily wrapped up on the sofa in the living room watching Sleepless in Seattle.  I couldn't wait to get here.  Mom took me back to Dr. Haughey today.  They were running late and I was extremely nervous.  All of my dreaded pain came to reality when he finally saw me.  He took my bandage off again and took my stitches out.  It was terribly painful, but I'm OK now thank goodness.  Just chillin' out here.  Hannah went to Chad's hometown this weekend, so I've got her laptop and it's just plummy!

I think I'll look online for some job postings.  

Signing off

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ow my toe.

So, I'm at home from work still because of my toe surgery. It's doing much better. In fact, I read my last post and it didn't make much sense because of my medication. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and almost passed out, but I made it. I'm going back tomorrow.

We're hosting movie night here tonight. It's MJ's movie, but it's just more convenient to do it here. Hannah is going to meet Chad's parents this weekend at his brother's wedding. They've been dating for a year now... well, not publicly for a year.

I got my scrapbooking stuff out today. I laid out the page for graduation.

I got out of the house for the first time last night. Andy picked me up and we went to church then out to Matt & Amanda's new house. They were painting. It's looking good. I'm so excited for them. I felt all grown up. I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday. It seemed like everyone was moving on and was kinda left behind. The Hurdles bought a house, Andy's going through some very exciting changes at work, MJ and Britt are getting married... But, I need to just focus on getting better right now.

On another note -- I think we're hosting Thanksgiving here this year. I'm very nervous about it though. All the little kids running around and will there be enough room? yada yada yada...

I'm going out to grandma's Sat. for Sadler's first birthday and hanging with the family. Looking forward to it for sure. It'll be nice this time of year.

Signing off.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm home from work on this Monday. I'm sitting here on the couch with my right foot elevated listening to a song called "Autumn Leaves" by Paula Cole on this channel I found. If you go down past channel 2 there are these music channels and I'm using them to mellow out. I think this channel is called Easy Listening.

I had surgery on my right big toe on Friday morning. Dr. Haughey removed a bone spur. Mom stayed with me all weekend, but I'm on my own today. It's not too bad. I'm very sleepy. Probably from the pain medicine. Saturday night I was in excruciating pain. I'm glad mom was here.

People have given me movies and magazines.

Kennieth Goodwin's last day at Clopton Clinic was Friday. He was the network administrator. He's started a cable company north of Paragould and he's just pursuing that now. We actually hired Brian Reed. I went to school with Brian.

I'm not really with it right now...

signing off

Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting ready to be off work

It's Monday morning. I'm needing to get lots done this week because I'm having surgery on my toe Friday morning and I'll be off work for two weeks. I'm so excited about that part! I have plans to read and scrapbook and possibly get my office organized and also possibly apply for jobs/send my resume out.
This weekend was all about Little Women. Tonight is my last performance. It's bitter sweet... I've enjoyed it so much. In fact, I didn't dislike anything about it. Everyone in the cast was wonderful. I'm going to miss them.

Matt & Amanda Hurdle are closing on their first house this week. I'm so excited for them! They bought a house in Hunter's Glen out toward Harrisburg (about 3 miles out of town). It's so nice. I'm going to be out of commission this weekend so I won't be able to help them paint. I feel kinda bad about this because I've been telling them for two year that I'd help them paint. Oh well. I'm hosting a Halloween part on the 31st. So they can relax and be happy they're in their house. She's giving me her Halloween decorations to use since they won't be using them this year. I still have some of their boxes in my attic from when I moved.

I'm going to be Sarah Palin for Halloween this year. I got an Alaska sweat shirt from Carole Rupard and I'm going to get some glasses & wear Hannah's wooly boots. hee hee. :)
Hannah and I are hosting the party and we're having a baked potato bar. Everyone can just build their own. I think it'll be fun.

I'm excited about fall this year. My house is very reflective of the seasons. In the morning the kitchen is so bright. I love being at home in the morning. I wish I was home more in fact, but I've gotta pay the bills.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My first entry

I decided to start an online journal. I haven't written in a journal for probably a year plus. But I do not like hand writing my journal. And thanks to spell check I am now aware that journal-ing is not a word even though people use it all them time.

I am at work. Most of my time spent on the Internet is from 8a-5p. I do not like to be on the computer while I'm at home because I stare at a computer screen a majority of my work days, so when I'm at home I want to do anything but.

Well, I guess I will just write about my life. Today is Wednesday and our final dress rehearsal for Little Women is tonight @ 5:15pm. This is my first time in a serious play and I've really enjoyed it. Most of the cast is in high school and it's great being around kids that age again. I'm rarely around people much younger than myself. They're all great and well behaved and take the play seriously. I graduated with my MBA on Aug 1, 2008 (this year) and I wanted to do something creative to take a break from the boredom of class. I wanted to expand my experiences and meet new people -- which worked because I didn't know anyone in the play. I heard about it through Sam Hiser that I work with. He's the assistant director and has made me feel very welcome at the Foundation of Arts. The play is this weekend at the Forum. There's an ASU home football game on Sat night that I will have to miss. :(

We're performing for a group of students at 9am tomorrow. I don't know if I will come into work after that or not. I haven't decided. I guess it will depend on what I get accomplished today. Thursday night I'm having coffee with Derek Osborn. I met him through my friend Matt Hurdle. They went to high school together in Weiner. hee hee. sorry... I always think it's funny. Anyway, we've been emailing back & forth for a while so it'll be fun to hang out together. I haven't been to The Edge since college. It's a cool place near campus. My friend Lori Block had some art work on display there for a while, but I don't think it's there anymore. I think she moved it to Hastings' cafe. After coffee is Movie Night which is one of my favorite parts of each week. Matt created a Movie Club for friends. We each have a turn and get to bring a movie of our choice that we'd like to share. This week is Hannah's turn so everyone will be at our house. I brought Guess Who's Coming to Dinner when it was my turn. It was a hit.

I'm going to get back to work now. I have several things that need to get finished because starting next Friday I'm going to be off work for 2 weeks. I can barely contain my EXCITEMent!! I'm having surgery on my toe. blah. But, it will be nice to not have to work for 2 weeks.

Signing off