Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting ready to be off work

It's Monday morning. I'm needing to get lots done this week because I'm having surgery on my toe Friday morning and I'll be off work for two weeks. I'm so excited about that part! I have plans to read and scrapbook and possibly get my office organized and also possibly apply for jobs/send my resume out.
This weekend was all about Little Women. Tonight is my last performance. It's bitter sweet... I've enjoyed it so much. In fact, I didn't dislike anything about it. Everyone in the cast was wonderful. I'm going to miss them.

Matt & Amanda Hurdle are closing on their first house this week. I'm so excited for them! They bought a house in Hunter's Glen out toward Harrisburg (about 3 miles out of town). It's so nice. I'm going to be out of commission this weekend so I won't be able to help them paint. I feel kinda bad about this because I've been telling them for two year that I'd help them paint. Oh well. I'm hosting a Halloween part on the 31st. So they can relax and be happy they're in their house. She's giving me her Halloween decorations to use since they won't be using them this year. I still have some of their boxes in my attic from when I moved.

I'm going to be Sarah Palin for Halloween this year. I got an Alaska sweat shirt from Carole Rupard and I'm going to get some glasses & wear Hannah's wooly boots. hee hee. :)
Hannah and I are hosting the party and we're having a baked potato bar. Everyone can just build their own. I think it'll be fun.

I'm excited about fall this year. My house is very reflective of the seasons. In the morning the kitchen is so bright. I love being at home in the morning. I wish I was home more in fact, but I've gotta pay the bills.

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