Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Back in the swing of things

I'm back at work as of yesterday. It wasn't bad... I managed to get up and get here on time surprisingly. I'm so out of shape and I dream crazy stuff so when I wake up in the mornings I'm very sore. I'm walking much better now, so I will be able to hit the gym soon I think... at least for weights.

Today is election day in the USA. I'm very nervous. Barak Obama v. John McCain. I voted for McCain. I miss Paul & Richard at times like this. None of my friends here really get into politics. Oh, how things have changed since the election 4 years ago. I spent countless hours at the local Republican hdqtrs. Good times. Paul & Richard voted for Bob Barr, the Libertarian hopeful. It's looking like Obama will win, according to the polls. I will watch the numbers come in tonight. I want to watch it with them, but they're in Little Rock...

So, Halloween was last weekend. I dressed as Sarah Palin. It was a good time. I had a party at my house and made baked potatoes and sweet potatoes. Everything went well. I tried to put a pic in here, but I don't think it worked...

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